2023 Region Orchestras/2024 All State Orchestra Strings Recording Requirements:
Each student (after announcing name and instrument) will next record the 2 scales and technical etude. After the etude, students who are auditioning for All-State Orchestra will perform the All-State Orchestral excerpt. They would NOT play the Regional orchestral excerpt, however they are still required to participate in Regional orchestra.
This year, a violin, viola, cello or bass student has the option to only audition for Regional orchestra. These students will still record the 2 scales and etude, but will then announce “regional orchestra only” and then play the Regional Orchestral excerpt. They would NOT play the All-State orchestral excerpt.
Scales: A Major 3-octave scale, Eb Major 2-octave scale
Regional Orchestral excerpt: Mendelssohn Midsummer’s Night Dream, measure 17 to downbeat of letter B
All-State Orchestral excerpt: Prokofiev Classical Symphony, movement IV, beginning to 6 measures after letter B (play upper part on divisi)
Scales: D major 3-octave scale, Ab Major 2-octave scale
Etude: Kreutzer etude #5 beginning to downbeat of measure 16
Regional Orchestral excerpt: Berlioz Roman Carnival Overture pickup to 3 measures after box 1 to downbeat of box 3
All-State Orchestral excerpt: Tchaikovsky Symphony 6 letter B to 6 measures after letter C
Scales: D Major 3-octave scale, Ab Major 2-octave scale
Etude: Dotzauer etude #44 beginning to downbeat of measure 17
Regional Orchestral excerpt: Mendelssohn The Hebrides Overture measure 19-40
All-State Orchestral excerpt: Elgar Enigma Variation 12, rehearsal 52 to 54
Scales: Bb Major 2-octave scale, E major 2-octave scale
Regional Orchestral excerpt: Saint-Saens Carnival of the Animals, L'Elephant beginning to rehearsal 3
All-State Orchestral excerpt: Mozart Symphony 40, movement 1 pickups to measure 115 to downbeat of measure 138
Scale: A Major 3-octave scale
Etude: Bach-Grandjany Etude #8 beginning to downbeat of measure 17
All-State Orchestral excerpt: Tchaikovsky Swan Lake cadenza